Nótula: Ontem, ao saber do falecimento de Hilary Putnam, lembrei-me quer da (rara, muito, muito rara e, além de rara, extremamente bonita) homenagem à inteligência da vítima no momento do ataque em artigo científico (até o jornal The Guardian deu por ela: «When one reads Chomsky, one is struck by a sense of great intellectual power; one knows one is encountering an extraordinary mind»), quer da entrevista em que a Prospect conseguiu a um excelente título (A philosopher in the age of science) acrescentar um magnífico mote («Hilary Putnam is not well known outside philosophy. He should be»), quer obviamente do mais importante: a obra.
If intelligent non-terrestrial life – say, Martians – exists, and if the ‘Martians’ speak a language whose grammar does not belong to the subclass Σ of the class of all transformational grammars, then, I have heard Chomsky maintain, humans (except possibly for a few geniuses or linguistic experts) would be unable to learn Martian; a human child brought up by Martians would fail to acquire language; and Martians would, conversely, experience similar difficulties with human tongues. (Possible difficulties in pronunciation are not at issue here, and may be assumed not to exist for the purposes of this argument.)
Filed under: acordo ortográfico Tagged: cáster, Chomsky, Hilary Putnam, Instituto Superior Técnico, ovar, ponte, pultrusão, Universidade do Minho